Dear South Huckleberry Families,
It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is on the way. I hope your had time to relax and enjoy family and friends during this long weekend.
During the last week of school, our class has been learning about the caribou migration, reading and writing nonfiction books and finishing our salmon pillows. I’m happy to announce that almost all of the pillows are complete and ready to be snuggled and read to. This special artifacts of our study will be coming home at Winter Break.
The weeks ahead will be very busy AND COLD. Several of our students need to be bringing warmer coats or more layers, as well as mittens and hats, to keep them warm during the winter weather. It is important to LABEL ALL COATS, HATS, AND BOTH MITTENS.
Please keep an eye on the school calendar for special events. The Huckleberries will be going to Willamette Park in West Linn to release the fry (baby salmon) on Dec. 17th. We need drivers! You should be receiving a sign-up genius soon with more information. We’ll return from the river at about 1:00 PM and be presenting a play that you won’t want to miss at 2:00. Come and be a part of the fun!
Our class Flop & Read and holiday party will be on Dec. 20th. This will be a festive way to start the Winter Break. Watch for the sign-up genius to come for that also.
For the month of December, sharing will continue to be about migration and holiday traditions. Please help you children select things that match the topics. Items brought in that do not match the topic will be shared during snack at the snack tables.
I look forward to the month ahead. Don’t forget to have your children read nightly to you. This is one of the easiest times of the year to get children interested in books. With so many good holiday books out there, you can’t help but want to see what’s inside. Happy reading!
Dainette Harris