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A Quick Update

We have been busy in the library! Many thanks to Felicia Malkson for helping us get books inventoried and labeled for our teachers' classrooms. With the literacy grant money we received, all classes will receive 10-11 boxes of high interests books! It has been so much fun to open these books and see what exciting literature our students get to read.

Trillium students have become experts on knowing the jobs of authors and illustrators. We have been reading books written by Chinese authors. We read Lon Po Po by Ed Young which is the chinese version of Little Red Riding Hood. We discussed how it was similar and yet very different from what we know as Red Riding Hood.

Our Huckleberry students have been learning about Nonfiction text elements. Using these text elements helps us find information so much faster. They have practiced using the Table of Contents and Index. We will be exploring key words and how to use a glossary soon.

Our Clarkia students are delving into legends from the PNW Native Americans. We have been reading from a great book! It has some great legends explaining how the Bridge of the Gods came to be, the Cascade Mountains, and how the people in the Columbia basin were created.

Read Across America is coming up soon! We will begin our Seuss-A-Thon on March 2nd. Stay tuned for more details.

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