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For The Love Of Books

One of my favorite times of the year is when the book fair arrives! This year our theme, "Fall Into A Wonderland Of Books" was a fitting theme as there were so many great titles to choose from. Our Trillium through Huckleberry classes were full of anticipation to get their hands on the newest Nibbles edition. This fun story is about a monster who loves books so much that he nibbles his way through any and all intriguing stories. We quickly sold out of these books but never fear, they will be on our library shelves very soon, available for checkout.

The Clarkia and Alder classes learned about a new series by A.L. Tait, author of The Mapmaker Chronicles, this adventure series starts when a young boy who lives in a monastery is thrust into solving a mystery as a dying friend hands him a coded manuscript and given the tasks of hiding the book from authorities. He is driven from the abbey, his only home he has known and confronted with the wildness of the dark woods beyond. We are looking forward to adding these book to our library shelves as well!

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