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Garden Updates for 2020

Trillium finished up a quick unit on nutrition this past month using Oregon My Plate lessons. We discovered the importance on choosing foods from the five food groups and how this helps build stronger brains and bodies. This next month we will be learning about different elements found in Chinese gardens. We will discover the three friends of winter, the role stone and water play in garden designs, and will finish it off by creating our own mini Chinese gardens.

The Huckleberry classes continue to explore types of cycles. We observed the nutrient cycle in action as we watched our food scraps decompose. We discovered the importance of the oxygen cycle and why planting plants is so beneficial for our air. We continue to make observations through the different seasons, documenting our findings in our garden journals. We will move into healthy food choices next month and the power of nutrients.

In Clarkia classes we are finishing up exploring the impact climate and weather have on crops. We have built terrariums and created microclimates to observe the water cycle and notice germination rates in different soil temperatures.

The Alders continue to learn about the importance of a watershed and specifically our own Moalla watershed. We had the privilege of having Ms. Yamamuro here from the Molalla Watershed council who gave us a detailed account on the effects of water on communities. She shared a wealth of information in regards to the Molalla corridor and how we can help sustain one of our greatest resources. We hope to take our knowledge and create a rain water catchment system for the Alder's landscape in the next few months. We are looking for some rain barrels. Please contact me if you have any resources regarding this!

Our Roots Leadership team has been busy designing a 2020 garden. We are working on putting the finishing touches on these designs and making our seed order.

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