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Writer's pictureShelley Urben

Growth Mindset

Dear Alders,

We have all been handed a difficult task that has taken us out of our normal routine and challenged us in many different ways. Everything looks different, our family life, school, going grocery shopping and time with our friends. But the truly important things have not changed. We can go back to our school beliefs that we take care of each other, our spaces, and our materials. And we can continue to have a growth mindset. You are being challenged to learn in a new way, how can you make that work for you? You are being challenged to put forth your best foot without a teacher looking over your shoulder, are you going to step to the plate? You have extra time on your hands, what are you going to do with it?

Many of you have already taken the growth mindset challenge and are pushing yourself to do your best. You have shared about projects around home you are doing. I have read creative poetry you have written and thoughtful responses to new material, and journal entries that used the whole 10 minutes. Keep up the great work. We have another month of school, keep challenging yourself to learn new things while taking care of each other and our spaces.

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