Huckleberry Muscle and Bone Game
Battleball Dodgeball with Mr. Poff
Alders play Blob Tag for their ASAP (As Soon As Possible) activity
Cedars play Ball Knockdown
Cedar Shenanigans!
Blob Tag
Cedars invented variations for this new Dodgeball Game
Cedar students do a variety of exercises for 30 seconds each.
Trillium: This group of students is practicing a dance called "Morning Song" for the spring performance. They are incorporating different cross lateral movements into the dance.
Huckleberry: These students are playing a variety of games that enforce the concepts that they are learning in their classes. The Huckleberries have been learning where the bones and muscles are located, what they do, and how to strengthen them.
Clarkia, Alders & Cedars: These students learned and reviewed the school wide rules for Dodgeball. The Cedar students created and implemented some variations that the rest of the school used in their games.
Cedars: Cedars are assigned squad formations and work on exercises for 10 minutes every PE class. These exercises get progressively more difficult.