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MakerSpace Fun!

Dear parents,

I am happy to announce that MakerSpace at MRA has been a great success so far! Over the past two weeks students K-8 have been working on solving different problems by working in teams to build something that they designed together. Mrs. Quinlan is working with Trillium and Huckleberry and I am working with Clarkia, Alders, and Cedars during our computer time. Clarkia are building complex machines that help someone or fix a problem that they see in the world, Alders are building earthquake resistant houses to save lives, and Cedars are building the tallest tower possible to provide housing for people in crowded cities.

It has been amazing to watch the students creativity and ingenuity in the ways that they are accomplishing their tasks. Students have been working hard and I'm sure would be proud to tell you about their creation if you ask them! Over the next two days they will be presenting their work to class, reflecting on it, and cleaning up. We will have another two week MakerSpace event in February, and again in May, both with different challenges to overcome. It is an exciting opportunity for students to practice their critical thinking, teamwork, and engineering skills in ways that they don't often have the opportunity to do. All of which are very valuable in school and beyond!

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