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March 17th, MRA Update

Dear Families,

I truly hope you all are staying healthy and managing this stressful time with as much strength as possible. Please know that above all, your well-being is our top priority. I realize that on top of concerns about the coronavirus many of you, and your children, are anxious about academics and about MRA in the next few weeks. Following are a few updates to help answer some questions:

School Closure

Your teachers and I have spent the last two days working together to develop an appropriate, MRA mission drive educational

program in anticipation of an additional mandated school closure. As of this afternoon, Governor Brown did order schools closed through April 28th. Please be assured, we at MRA are prepared. Our goal is to provide your students consistency in their academics, routine and stability, and comfort in working with their own classroom teachers. As per the order, we will be delivering supplemental education and learning supports to our students. This includes:

· On line Google Classrooms for all students, K-8 starting April 1st

- Grades 5-8 are already in Google Classrooms and are already working in there

· Instructions for parents on access to Google Classrooms

· Providing students who need it, access to Chromebooks—please complete the survey

· Connecting families who need internet with MCC—please complete the survey

· Please note that Google Classroom access does require all students have emails. These are currently being created. More

information will be sent to K-4 families prior to April 1st.

· Paper copies maybe be available to pick up at MRA as needed

More information will be coming to all of you toward the end of spring break, or as I have it available to send. We do want to honor your spring break and the break for our teachers. As such, please hold off on emailing your teachers your questions until the end of March. Feel free to email me instead if needed.

Shelley Urben

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