Welcome to Term 2 and Clarkia’s Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest (NAPNW) Unit! Over the next 7 weeks we will be learning about the lives of the indigenous peoples who lived (and live) from Junea, Alaska through BC, Canada, and ending with our Athabaskan group on the southern Oregon coast. We will be exploring their architecture, natural resources, art, culture, and stories. One of the most time-consuming projects we have starting are our Button Robes. We will need several helpers in at a couple different times. Here is the link to the SignUp Genius for the classroom helpers – note that these are for BOTH CLARKIA classes. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B44A4AF2CA2FC1-button We still need people going out to Goodwill, elderly relative’s homes, and other places to gather buttons – any and all colors.
In reading we will be investigating informational texts, biographies of important people, and the myths and legends of the area. Writing will have us taking notes, writing reports, and creating our own myths/legends. In math we are moving into decimals and all that concept entails – identifying, changing, combining, separating, etc.
Report cards will be out in a couple weeks as soon as they are reviewed and finalized. If you have any questions or want to help in some way but can’t sign up for a specific thing, call me and we will use your help! Have a great week – try to enjoy your 2-hour delay (only works if you read this Monday morning!) and thank you for your support!