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At The Root Of Summer Beauty

Our Roots Garden has been bountiful in production and beauty this summer. From the Trillium, to the Pollinator, to the Lewis and Clark, and to the Ancient Grain gardens we have seen prolific flowers and a great harvest. We had over 20 families join in the care and production of the garden this summer. It it true joy to watch all pieces come together in harmony including our hard working families in making our garden shine.

This year our focus during our garden classes will be in caring for the land and developing a sense of responsibility towards caring for self, each other, and our Roots Garden. As our garden expands each year we hope to continue this process with adding a rain garden, a rain catchment system, and a much needed hoop house. As always, we are always looking for volunteers to help us with these projects. Please contact me if this is something you have expertise or resources in.

I am looking forward to watching the garden unfold its beauty for another year on our campus.

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