Welcome to the garden! Last spring, I know several of you started new gardens as a way to get outdoors and pass the time. It was amazing to see so many of your pictures of your new projects. I look forward to hearing what your garden harvest yielded and seeing updated pictures. I hope you were able to learn a new hobby that will continue into a lifelong habit.
Many thanks and appreciation to the families who volunteered this summer to keep our Roots garden alive and thriving. They also worked hard to weed and bark chip all the berms and hobbit hill. If you haven’t gotten a chance to take a walk along our walking trail I would highly recommend it! We currently have many fresh veggies available for the taking. Please swing by the office and feast on tomatoes, summer squash, cucumbers, and more.
As MRA’s garden coordinator and librarian I am excited to bring several different opportunities to your families this fall. I am hoping you and your family would consider helping our garden (no experience is necessary) with seed saving, harvesting, planting cover crops, and putting the garden to bed for the winter beginning the week of September 14th. If you are interested, please click on the following link to our sign up genius. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4dafad2aabf85-fall I am hoping for five families per day in order to get all our garden projects completed. I hope to see you in the garden soon.