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The salmon are migrating!!

Dear South Huckleberry Families,

We left the monarchs in Mexico for the winter and released the butterflies from our classroom. Now we've moved on to explore the migration of salmon. Last week, about 150-200 salmon eggs were brought to Ms. Fety’s classroom to develop. They are currently chilling in an aquarium while we wait and watch. Periodically, the eggs jump and move around. You can see the eyes of the soon to be fish through the egg shell. Students are anxiously awaiting for the hatching to start. In the meantime, the classes are learning about the life cycle of the salmon, the different species that live in the Pacific and what the fish go through as they migrate. Each child is making their own salmon pillow in honor of the journey.

HELP WANTED!!! Anyone with a sewing machine, a minimal amount of talent, some time, and a willing heart, is needed to help sew our salmon pillows. I have one volunteer, but could really use one or two more for this project. You will just sew around the outline of the fish and leave an opening for stuffing. The students will be hand sewing the opening when they are finished stuffing. Please shoot me an email this weekend if this is something you are willing to do. Thanks ahead of time!

In reading, students are focusing on the characteristics of nonfiction and the best way to approach reading it in order to get the most out of what you’re reading. In writing, the classes are becoming the experts as they explore how to write nonfiction. Focusing on nonfiction for both reading and writing really opens up the students exposure to the topic and increases their success in both areas.

Ms. Fety’s 2nd grade math class continues to learn about place value and our base ten system. Those in my math class have been introduced to fractions, the relationship of part to whole. We continue to explore the many patterns in math, through counting, the 100 chart and fact families. It’s very rewarding when someone looks up and says, “THIS IS REALLY FUN!”.

SHARING: Throughout the rest of November and December our class will continue to share about animals that migrate. Because that topic is somewhat limiting, I’d like to add holiday traditions of your family. Pictures, artwork, recipes or brief stories are welcome. We will not be sharing specific gifts given or received.

Indoor soccer classes are starting in December. Ms. Ingalls will be running this after school program. For more information go to This is a great way to keep your child exercising during the winter months.

Thanks for sharing your children with me each and every day. I have a great job!

Dainette Harris

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