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Things you won't want to miss!

Dear South Huckleberry Families,


Our classroom has been very busy with the end of our migration unit fast approaching Our salmon are due to be released at Willamette Park in West Linn on Dec. 17th. Thanks to so many of you who have signed-up to drive and/or accompany us on our field trip next week. We will be leaving the school at 10 AM and returning by 1:00 PM. Students will be bringing lunches with them to be eaten at the park.


As a celebration of our migration unit, both classes will be presenting an informance, a combination of information and performance. This will take place after the field trip at 2:00 PM on December 17th. All are invited to watch this performance which combines what students have learned about migration, music and movement.

Check the school calendar for other events scheduled for the month of December.

Enjoy the season!

Dainette Harris

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