Molalla Tree Lighting
The Advanced Marimba Ensemble kicks off the festivities at 5 pm with some holiday tunes and traditional Zimbabwean pieces.
Saturday, December 7th. 5pm.
Molalla City Call
Mollala Singing Christmas Tree
The Advanced Marimba Ensemble serenades the gathering audience with original arrangements of holiday tunes a knock-your-socks-off Zimbabwean piece that really shoes the hardworking and skill of the musicians.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday, December 12, 13th & 14th at 7 pm (1pm matinee 12/14)
Molalla High School Auditorium
Great River Studio Recital
Students enrolled in private lessons celebrate the end of fall term with pieces on piano, marimba and ukulele.
Tuesday, December 17th. 3:20 pm.
Great River Music Room
Celebration of Learning Assembly
Students from all grades share the learning that happens outside the core of their classes and celebrate the richness of MRA's programs.
Wednesday, December 18, 12:15 - 1 pm
Wildwoods Gym
Holiday Singalong
The MRA community of teachers and students gather to sing secular and sacred carols. Our voices are accompanied by several student musicians on piano and Mr. Luke on guitar.
Friday, December 20, 9 am- 10am
Wildwoods Gym