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Writer's pictureShelley Urben

"We are Egyptians.."

Our unit on ancient Egypt has begun. Students are divided up into teams known as nomes (an Egyptian district). Each nome is named after its capital city and is creating a standard brandishing their name, symbols, and gods. To further get into their role as Egyptians, they are designing and creating a headband and menat (a broad necklace representing their rank). In this unit, we will be learning about the Egyptian culture and environment and how the Nile River plays a key role.

I would also like to welcome Ms. Aimee to our class. As you know, she is working towards her teaching degree and will be in our classroom for 12 weeks fine tuning her teaching skills. She will be teaching lessons with increasing frequency until she teaches full time towards the end of February. She is a great addition to our classroom.

Just a reminder about upcoming days off school. We have no school on January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and January 29-31 for grading days.

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