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We're On the Home Stretch!

Dear South Huckleberry Parents,

We are in the home stretch with only two more weeks to go! The next two weeks will on student work and the following items:

  1. Writing Celebration on Monday, June 1st:

  • 1st Graders - Authors’ Chair at 11:00 AM

  • 2nd Graders- Poetry Party at 9:30 AM

This week’s small groups will focus on getting work ready to publish for next Monday’s events. We’d encourage all children to participate in this celebration of learning. Links will be sent out later for these events.

  1. Chess Celebration:

  • Tuesday, June 2nd at 9:30 am

Second graders are invited to join Mr. Fety and Ms. Fety on Tuesday, June 2nd to play chess. Huckleberries will get a chance to show off their collective skills to challenge Mr. Fety in games of virtual chess. Keep practicing! Link will be shared next week.

  1. Conferences on June 1-4 with morning to evening slots. Here is the sign-up link:

During online conferences with your child, we will celebrate the learning that has taken place this term, share ideas for summer learning, and talk about the fall. This conference time will provide closure for all of us and be the official start of summer.

  1. Report Cards:

These spring report cards reflect student engagement in the work of Distance Learning at MRA, rather than specific skills. They will look different. If anyone has any questions about our pass/incomplete report cards, please email me.

Enjoy the rest of your day. I hope this weekend has been restful and safe for your family.


Mrs. Harris

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