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Trillium (KG)

The Kindergarten class at MRA is called Trillium. This plant aptly represents the kindergarten year.  For centuries people have been enamored with the trillium plant. Shakespeare wrote of the plant in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  The symmetry of the plant inspires people to draw, paint and watercolor its likeness. The desire to discover a trillium while hiking has sent thousands into the surrounding wilderness and forested areas to seek out this gem in its natural surroundings.


“Perchance we may meet on woodland trails where drifts of trilliums and singing robins still greet the spring. The more we walk such trails, the more familiar the plants and animals become. Eventually, without studying details, we recognize each kind at a glance as we do old friends.  Occasionally we encounter a trillium stranger that defies placement in recognized species. It will not be bettered or degraded by forcing it into a named category. Like a unique friend, appreciate it for its individuality, even though you speculate on how it came to be.”

Don Jacobs, Trilliums in Woodland and Garden, 1997.


Students will become familiar with MRA as the days and weeks pass in the Trillium classroom, and eventually they will become old friends with one another. We will use nature to help us foster this connection between friendships, school and family. The students have a very exciting year in store. The students, families, and teachers will work closely with one another, as learning is a process and a journey. The kindergarteners are about to embark on a journey of a lifetime; one that will ensure that they are on the path to becoming a lifelong learner.

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